
I am very grateful for the strong and thorough yoga foundation Maggie taught. Her (RYT 200) training provided me with essential tools to offer safe and therapeutic yoga classes for people in early recovery.
Don McGinnis

Maggie Reagh takes private clients, works with their individual limitations and designs a practice for them that will help them recover from whatever ails them or else helps them optimize their well being within their limitations, for more serious challenges. She is highly skilled, has a wonderful presence, knows her stuff, and has helped me enormously in my recovery of a knee injury that bedeviled me for several years. Barbara Burkhardt

Take advantage of this great opportunity to take yoga therapy classes with my teacher, Maggie Reagh, a highly regarded yoga therapist in the field. She has recently moved to the east side from kits and is starting up small group classes this fall on East Hastings at the Inner City Ashram. She's my favorite yoga teacher in Van by far! She healed my 3.5 yr chronic neck pain in 2 small group sessions. Very intuitive and very intellectual at the same time — a nice, rare combo!

Camela Cowan

Maggie has created an incredibly rich program. Her deep and applicable knowledge of yoga is presented enthusiastically and from the heart. Rooted in the tradition of Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar, the program also includes numerous specialist mentors whose professional expertise spans a wide range of conditions and methods. This is one of the program’s most helpful aspects. In addition to having the opportunity to observe and assist in weekly group therapeutic classes, the six weeks of study in Chennai India with esteemed yoga teachers is an unforgettable and most valuable learning experience.

Robb Mills

The 10 weeks that I spent with Maggie in the first module of the certified yoga therapist program were some of the most profoundly healing weeks of my life. I grew so much both as a yoga instructor and a human being, and I consistently use what I learned both at work and in my own daily practice. I can't believe how much I didn't know before this training! Maggie's depth of knowledge and practical experience—and obvious care for her students—are impressive to say the least. The specialist mentors she brings into class are also top-notch and extremely helpful. I now work with a chronic pain clinic offering private yoga therapy, and I refer back to her notes on a daily basis. I cannot wait to come back and complete the rest of the modules. 

Rachel Schmidt

Maggie is a kind and generous teacher who brings the fullness of her spirit into her teachings. I always feel safe in her class because of the balance of expertise and playful humility she embodies. I look forward to Maggie's classes every week as a sanctuary for body, mind and spirit, and thank her deeply for the healing she has brought to my life.

Vince Gowmon

As a writer, working at a computer can create a variety of imbalances in the body. Maggie helped me handle mine by teaching me methods using Dance and Yoga, an ideal combination that worked for me. And such a pure and gentle soul! To be in her presence is to feel healing.

Jacqueline Forster

I am currently training as a Yoga Therapist and have been teaching Yoga for the past 13 years. Recently, I started attending Maggie's classes and have come to love them. I really appreciate how she honours the roots of her tradition through the inclusion of chanting, breathwork practices, visualization, and reflection upon the Yoga Sutras. In conjunction with those elements, she brings a keen eye to her teaching and identifies imbalances and less-than-optimal movement patterns in her students, as well as a depth of knowledge of therapeutic postures and human anatomy. 

Christina Niven

Maggie gives tons of personal attention to each student and ensures that they move safely and have sufficient props to do so. I feel that she is a great resource for any teacher and also a supportive and knowledgable yoga therapist for anyone needing it. I would recommend her classes highly.

Christina Niven

The chanting and sense of calm in Maggie’s classes help create a spiritual feeling in me. This has increased the connection between my mind, body and spirit. I so enjoy her emphasis on breathing and she has come up with some creative ideas for the adaptations I require to do various poses.

Lynn Meredith
