Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop


During this workshop, Ayurvedic Yogini-s, Insiya Rasiwala and Maggie Reagh will teach you how to cook both traditional (vegetarian) and non-traditional (low carb, vegan, grain-free, keto & paleo friendly) kitchori/kichadi as a wonderful way to cleanse your way into Spring!

We will also review the 3 dosha-s (energetics) of Ayurveda and how food relates to balancing each of them, thereupon providing you with handouts of our recipes and Ayurveda basics. The workshop will end with us sharing our group cooking efforts and take away experiences.

The whole event will be fuelled by Maggie’s non-traditional rooibos, coconut milk, maple syrup chai and much fun at the Inner City Ashram in the East Village of Vancouver.

To register, please email Maggie or Insiya. We are limited to 12 students, so first come, first serve. Tuition: $99 + GST.

March 9, 2019
10am - 3pm
Inner City Ashram
East Village, Vancouver